Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Magazine Advert First draft

Using our research we knew that for the magazine adver t to look effective and to be consistent with the current market conventions, however at the same give another impression. Our main inspiration came from the magazine advert found in Assemble magazine. Below is the advert by Meek Mill, his album title 'Dreams and Nightmares'. The artist is displayed in the middle of the picture, this makes the audience automatically recognise with the artist and thinking about his music that is already or newly out. We thought that this style of picture, as this is commonly seen throughout the music industry, to be the most effective way of promoting our artist in a magazine. The facial expression is also an important factor of both adverts. Below Meek Mill is serious and straight-faced, with his eyes and lips having no movement or definition. This shows to the audience that he has a very serious and confident outlook, or he is trying to portray his simple complex look. We wanted to completely copy this look, it is also seen throughtout the music industry, it works and we didnt want to go against this. The artist below explains the title of his song through the picture, of the left hand side over his shoulder represents the 'Dreams' aspect. The colour blue represents calm, goodness and power hence why it runs into the other side. This other side represents the 'Nightmares' illustrated by the red colour signifying danger, evil. In our magazine advert we wanted to stay consistent with some aspects of this advert, however we decided to represent the'Started from the bottom', The background is power, fountains suggest wealth power and status, attributes we wanted the artist to personify. Also it is located in Marble Arch in Central London, these are famous and have been viewed by countless tourists and Londers, this creates an interpersonal relationship with some of the audience, again trying to appeal to as many people as possible. The font although different sizes and shades of colour is the same as the album font, this makes it easy for the audience to recognise where and what the album will look like. By Using 'OUT NOW!' we wanted to almost pressure the audience to purchase the album or at least find out more about it. By having a quote from The Source, it adds a realism to the advert, a valued creditation. Also with the twitter and facebook pages and links on the advert, it means that the audience can automatically access his web pages which have merchandise, tour dates and interpersonal fan infromation, this opens another market to the audience they didnt know about.


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